Norpdlus project DACAL (2014-2015)
Modern society is facing numerous challenges and demands affecting everybody’s life and therefore requiring to equip adults with competences to be active and creative citizens. The project aims at promoting some of the key competences defined in the EU documents (Key competences for Lifelong Learning) - social and civic competences. The project focuses on development of active citizens through common activities in three areas of social life:
• Active participation in local communities (involvement in local community, engagement in decision making)
• Responsible attitude towards environmental issues (recycling, being green, reduction of pollution in the area where I live)
• Volunteering.The project will involve disadvantaged/elderly persons, immigrants, unemployed adult learners, thus, promoting social inclusion.
Project partners:
1. „Association for Education and Culture Initiatives (Lithuania)
2. Eskilstuna folk high school (Sweden)
3. Foundation “ECO PARTNERS” (Latvia)
4. Borderlands Leader (Estonia)