Kogukonnameetodi rakendamisest multifondide (CLLD) abil
Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskuse ja Eesti Leader Liidu eestvõttel toimus 29. jaanuaril 2020 Rahandusministeeriumi ruumides seminar kogukonnameetodi rakendamisest multifondide abil, kus kogemusi jagasid nende riikide esindajad, kes juba käesoleval rahastusperioodil kasutasid multifonde.
Päevakava ja ettekanded
Opening speeches |
Ms. Triin Tomingas Ms. Kai Kalmann |
Ministry of Finance Ministry of Rural Affairs |
LEADER and CLLD post-2020 - Opportunities and pitfalls of multi-funding (Skype presentation) |
Ms. Christine Falter |
European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development |
Austrian experience about CLLD multifund implementation |
Mr. Julian Gschnell |
Austrian Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism |
Austrian experience about CLLD multifund implementation on LAG level |
Mr. Stefan Niedermoser |
Austrian LEADER network |
Czech experience about CLLD multifund implementation on national level |
Mr. Daniel Sokol |
Ministry for Regional Development of Czech Republic |
CoR's contribution to the renewed Territorial Agenda, with special emphasis on Community-Led Local Development |
Mr. Radim Sršeň |
European Committee of Regions |
Implementation of the LEADER approach in Estonia |
Ms. Kristiina Tammets |
Tartumaa Arendusselts |
Implementing CLLD in the EU: Experiences so far (Skype presentation) |
Mr. Loris Servillo |
Associate professor at Politecnico di Torino (IT) and former Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Bartlett School of Planning |
Triin kirjutas üritusest väikse kokkuvõtte, mida näete siin.
Lugege ka ELARDi värskeid uuringuid CLLD rakendamisest ja lihtsustamismeetoditest.
Täiendav info:
Triin Kallas
Eesti Leader Liit
Allikas: www.leaderliit.eu